I want to redo my blog. Should I?
I haven't got the chance to create blogposts to make this site exciting. There's no reason for anyone to visit this site. -_-'
There are two factors why I'm not writing. One is that I'm a little uncomfortable with my writing skill. I can't seem to express myself enough in words. I lack the vocabularies, experience, and ability to write. But how can I improve if I don't write. Right?
The other thing is that I don't have the momentum. To me, it's all about momentum. If I start doing something, I should continue to it or else, if I get sidetracked, I can't seem to bounce back. That's why I need to focus on a few things that are important. And continue doing it, and leave the things which are not that important.
That's one of the things that I learned from Steve Jobs. I remembered watching his keynote when he was rehired by Apple to be its 'interim-CEO'. He said that Apple is making so many products that they were not able to do the best possible outcome for each line. So he said, the best way to bounce back is to discontinue those product lines and only retain those that they can excel.
Years later, we can see that his strategy succeeded. Apple has once again become a relevant technology company to say the least.
So back to my question, should I redo my blog? I guess not. Since only a few are reading this, it's OK just to continue writing. *_*
An editor once told me that the best way to be learn is just to write, write, write and write. So I'm here. Once again, trying to write.
I haven't got the chance to create blogposts to make this site exciting. There's no reason for anyone to visit this site. -_-'
There are two factors why I'm not writing. One is that I'm a little uncomfortable with my writing skill. I can't seem to express myself enough in words. I lack the vocabularies, experience, and ability to write. But how can I improve if I don't write. Right?
The other thing is that I don't have the momentum. To me, it's all about momentum. If I start doing something, I should continue to it or else, if I get sidetracked, I can't seem to bounce back. That's why I need to focus on a few things that are important. And continue doing it, and leave the things which are not that important.
That's one of the things that I learned from Steve Jobs. I remembered watching his keynote when he was rehired by Apple to be its 'interim-CEO'. He said that Apple is making so many products that they were not able to do the best possible outcome for each line. So he said, the best way to bounce back is to discontinue those product lines and only retain those that they can excel.
Years later, we can see that his strategy succeeded. Apple has once again become a relevant technology company to say the least.
So back to my question, should I redo my blog? I guess not. Since only a few are reading this, it's OK just to continue writing. *_*
An editor once told me that the best way to be learn is just to write, write, write and write. So I'm here. Once again, trying to write.